Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008


Earlier tonight I took a survey on how well my positions match with those of Barack Obama and found that I match him about 56% of the time. During the survey I noticed that some of the questions were awkwardly worded and I didn't have a clear answer to give. Reading them though made me start thinking about where I actually stand on most of the issues presented in this election cycle and inspired me to put them down in writing.

Separation of Church and State - Favor

Religion should have no place in government. There are too many creeds and opinions based off ideological faith and they have no business influencing laws that govern a diverse group of people. This is my main justification for my positions on Abortion and Gay Marriage. To me government should rule with a secular hand and if a politician has personal values that's fine, just as long as they focus on what's best for society. I also believe that the founding fathers when establishing American democracy had this in mind.

2nd Amendment - Favor

I strongly believe in the Constitution and therefore support the 2nd Amendment even though I'm not in favor of guns themselves. I understand the need for personal protection and the reason the founders made this amendment in the first place, to give the citizen the power of strength to overthrow a government turned to tyranny. I am however in favor of gun control and laws that restrict possession and use of certain weapons in private hands. Guns are dangerous, and having to pay a tax or undergo a background check is nothing that a private citizen who has no intention of committing harm should worry about. This, in my opinion, does not violate the 2nd Amendment.

Abortion - Favor

I firmly believe that abortion is a manufactured religious distraction of other issues that are more important, and therefore is something that shouldn't even be a factor in the political process. Unfortunately many people see this as a single issue vote and therefore it's a popular issue, especially among Christian voters. I do not favor the actual act, and would like to see more education and counseling requirements before the procedure is done. The only reason I am in favor is I know that without legal constrictions the consequences would be even worse.

Taxes - Raise 'em

I never really understood the anger people have when it comes to paying taxes. Contrary to popular belief Americans live in a society of other people. Regardless of how much an individual thinks they contribute back, society does even more. The benefits of taxes are almost impossible to measure and therefore many people think they are treated unfairly when they have to pay them. The downside is that government may misuse funds (cough cough Iraq war) but taxes still provide more good for citizens than most would like to believe. To me this is not an issue of freedom but of individual responsibility to the society that supports you.

Censorship - Unfavor

Swear words, sex, nudity, reality. Explicitly trying to stop someone from seeing someone because you deem it inappropriate is a threat to the individual. It is an individuals choice what they want to see and don't see, and if that individual is a minor then it is the parents responsibility. Government should have no interference with it thinks people should see and shouldn't see.

Healthcare - Give it to 'em

Preventative medicine is the best medicine. Instead of fixing the problem as it occurs it's better to treat it before it breaks. Vaccinations, yearly physicals, health evaluations are all cost effective and save money down the line by avoiding expensive procedures to fix bigger problems. This works for any type of mechanical maintenance and to claim it doesn't for health maintenance is naive.

Gay Marriage - Favor

In step with my above positions on Abortion and Separation of Church and State I also believe this is another manufactured distraction to take away from other issues. The Constitution protects rights and no amendment should take them away. Love is a universal and secular emotion, to deny a couple, regardless of sexual orientation, is a violation of natural laws.


I believe in a secular non-invasive government that provides essential services to both the individual and society. Most of my positions are considered to fall on the left side of the spectrum but I understand the value of balance and that not everyone thinks like I do. I believe that the American style of democracy is one of the greatest systems of government created and caters to this balance. Even with it's pitfalls I would not change any of the core ideas that our government was founded on.

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