Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Install Komodo Edit 6 on Natty

Just wanted to give a quick update on how to install the latest Komodo Edit on the latest Ubuntu. Its been a while since I posted the last article about Komodo Edit and it needed a quick refresh.

  • The packages for Linux can be found here. Download the appropriate package for whether you have 32-bit or 64-bit.
  • Use either the GUI to extract the contents or
tar -xvzf Komodo-version-platform.tar.gz
  • In your terminal, or open a terminal if you haven't already, change to the new directory
cd Komodo-version-platform
  • Run the install script. I had to use sudo before the script to get it to install.
sudo ./install.sh
  • Go through and answer all of the installer prompts
  • Once the installer finishes you will need to add Komodo Edit to your PATH. Personally I like the symlink method, but it does require root/sudo access.
ln -s /bin/komodo /usr/bin/komodo
Two caveats that I have found is that you probably should not install to the default because it will only work for root or if you sudo. I went ahead and installed to /opt/komodo, but you could install wherever you like to install your non-package maintained software. Second, the installer actually tells you to make the symbolic link in /usr/local/bin but I have found that is not in the default PATH of the users (though it could be added). Other than that it is pretty straight forward. Let me know if you all find any other pain points.

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