Senin, 13 November 2006

Where are you Protest Warrior?

It was senior year of college when I first heard of the right-wing website Protest Warrior whose slogan "Fighting the Left and Doing it Right" was the battle cry for a new generation of neo-conservatives. The site originated when it's founders began "crashing" liberal and anti-war protests with signs having such clever phrases like:
"Except for ending slavery, Fascism, Nazism and Communism, war has never solved anything!"


"Saddam only kills his own people. It's none of our business!"
Now if you haven't figured it out yet I'm quite liberal and why would a person like me even care about such a site? Well for one, I don't consider myself a hard line progressive, rather I try to see all points of view and then decide on certain issues, with coincidentally usually falls to the left.

Protest Warrior for me over the last few years has acted like a checks and balances to my own personal convictions. The forums were almost always lively and you could see first hand why people were for or against things, both conservative and liberal. Most of it was utter drivel, which lead me to read it more for comedy than seriousness. Occasionally though you could find some good discussion going on and there were a few level headed regulars who were actual conservatives and not flag bears of the New American Century.

This fall I was looking forward to seeing the forum reactions both leading up to and after the elections, but unfortunately that didn't happen since over the last few months their forums have been down. Now, less than a week after the election, the website is no longer responding and seems to be down for the count with no explanation. So what happened? Was the entire project created by some conservative think tank to promote a type of revolutionary thought for young neo-conservatives and their funding dried up? Did the original founders finally realize that their racists and intolerant views were completely askew with humanity and have a change of heart? Did the founders fall in love and run away to Holland? I guess we'll never know.

I'm not really disappointed the site is down, but I wish it would have stayed up for this election. I had to live through the torment of reading the celebrations and prayers that the country was finally on the "right" path on November 7th 2004, and I was itching to see what excuses and conspiracies they came up with this November 7th. It's probably for the better though, I'm not like them and I don't need revenge to satisfy my disappointment. Protestwarrior is gone and there's finally positive change in America, and I couldn't be happier.

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