Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Download And Install TortoiseSVN

Q: I am using Eclipse on Windows and I'd like to check out SVN project with Eclipse. How the hell do I do it?

MenuCheck Out SVN In Eclipse On Windows
Create An SVN Project On An SVN Server
Download And Install TortoiseSVN
Check Out SVN Project Via TortoiseSVN
Validate SVN Integration With Eclipse
TortoiseSVN is one of the most common Subversion clients you can find that runs on Windows OS. Once you install it you'll be able to see SVN operation options in the context menu (the menu that shows up when you right-click your mouse) and be able to perform any of those options. Technically you will NOT need TortoiseSVN once you get Eclipse integrated with Subversion on Windows but TortoiseSVN still provides great utility to you. If you don't feel like using it feel free to move on.

Simply go to the download site of TortoiseSVN and download and install it. Note that you must download the version that matches your OS architecture (either 32-bit or 64-bit). If not you will NOT see the TortoiseSVN options in the context menu when you right-click some directory like it says you would:

TortoiseSVN Download 32 Bit Versus 64 Bit

After installing and rebooting you'll be able to see the following SVN operation options in the context-menu just like the following:

TortoiseSVN Context Menu

◀ Create An SVN Project On An SVN ServerCheck Out SVN Project Via TortoiseSVN ▶

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