Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

how to start mysql on windows

I installed MySQL server but mysqld.exe in the bin directory won't start. What should I do?

The following solution applies to MySQL version 14.7 Distrib 4.1.21 for Win32, but it may apply to your version as well. If you've installed MySQL on windows but when you try to execute mysqld.exe to start MySQL server daemon in vain (the command returns immediately if you run it in a terminal or a window pops up and closes immediately if you double click mysqld.exe) try the following:

* Make sure you are in the right directory: Your default location should be \mysql\bin

* Check your error log at \mysql\data\.err

If none of the above helps you might have installed MySQL as a windows service. In that case go to Start -> Run... -> Type "msconfig" -> Services. Then check the checkbox corresponding to "MySQL" Service. Restart your computer.

Once your computer has been restarted go to Windows Task Manager (right click anywhere in the windows toolbar and pick Task Manager) and see in the Processes tab if you see mysqld.exe or mysqld-nt.exe running depending on your machine and setup.

Hope it helps

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